vrijdag 7 december 2012

Knights Of The Empire

A unit for my Empire Army.  Unfortunately I used too much mat varnish with the hazy effect as the result :(

Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser & Void Wasps

I painted these models for a Rogue Trader Campaign I'm running.

The Void Wasps are a kind of black crystaline ships that were scratchbuilt

Grey Knights Dreadnoughts & Brother Captain Stern

It's been a while since I posted some more progress, but here are some models I finished recently.


In december I'll start working on 2 Tyranid Trygons.

woensdag 8 februari 2012

Grey Knights

Another one of my ongoing projects is my Grey Knights army.   I'll post more progress on them over the next months.

dinsdag 7 februari 2012

Battle Fleet Gothic Ships

I played BFG for a short while but because there wasn't enough interest in my local gaming group I gave up.

Here are some creations

Custom Tyranid Fleet (Hive Fleet LV-426)

Civilian Fleet (for missions, objectives & just for fun)

I has set my hopes to create some scenery for BFG (asteroid clusters, planets, ...) but those plans were put in the fridge for a while ...

Warhammer 40K Scenery

Finally some pictures of a modular 40K city I made.  Another guy from my club worked on it as well, we had a great time building & playing on this table. 

It's worth mentioning that we won several prizes with this scenery for our demos as well !

Various City Tiles



Planetary Defense Cannon

Infested Tiles

Ruined Bunker

Modular Trenches

Apart from the modular city I have some other (older) pieces as well.


Volcanic Hills

Alien Vegetation

Spore Chimneys

Crashed Aquila Shuttle

Large Hill


Reclammation Pool

Abandoned bridge section (modular canal system)

Phew, i didn't realize I had that much scenery ...